A transformational exploration that empowers you to be an extraodinary leader.
Our premier 3-Month program gives you direct access to the complete skill set you need to lead effectively in any situation.
We're now accepting applications for our next public program
which begins in June of 2020
in Tampa, Florida
“The Truth is that no one factor makes a company admirable.
But if you were forced to pick the one that makes the most difference, you’d pick leadership.”
What does leadership mean to you? Courage? Confidence? Creativity? The ability to inspire others to believe in your vision and follow you with unwavering conviction?
Leadership can be described in many different ways and take on many different forms, but it has one constant value: it is the human quality that transforms cultures, corporations, nations and civilizations. It is making something happen that was not just going to happen anyway.
We desire it for ourselves and we desire to be in its presence.
Leadership is not only a talent; it is a precious commodity for which there is no substitute. In addition, it is the commodity most likely to determine your organization’s success in the global marketplace.
Leadership: The Master Plan is a 3-month program developed to give you direct access to the complete skill set you need to be an effective leader. Unlike other programs that present case studies of successful leaders or that teach a curriculum of techniques, Leadership: The Master Plan takes you on a career-changing journey that empowers you to be a true leader in any situation under any circumstances.
You will leave the program actually being a leader and exercising leadership effectively.
Using a new model of leadership, you will produce breakthrough results in your professional and personal life.
You will leave this program as a leader:
• Focused on the essential elements that will enable you to perform and execute your vision and strategy.
• Dismissing “business as usual” approaches and accessing new perspectives leading to innovative solutions and needed change.
• Facing challenges with relentless resolve, regardless of obstacles.
• In effective action and less restricted by anxiety, fear or uncertainty
• Envisioning and conveying a future that moves, touches and inspires you and others.
• Engaging others in creating and acting on unprecedented futures.
• Able to operate powerfully in any situation and any circumstance.
This new model of leadership and its practice is applicable for all domains of leadership, including personal leadership, team and organizational leadership in school, business, non-profit, politics or any other areas in where your job is to make a positive and lasting impact.
• Leaders and managers who must be the transformational catalysts of their organizations
• Executives who realize the need to reinvent their own approach to leadership and the leadership of their organization
• Leaders who have no choice but to push ahead and reach beyond their existing levels of knowledge and experience
• Early career and mid-level professionals who are high-potential prospects for future leadership roles
This program features three modules, spaced approximately one month apart, with coaching between sessions.
Module 1: One-Day Orientation and Leadership Assessment
Day 1 is designed to prepare you to be the subject of this 3-month examination of leadership. Using a behavioral assessment, (DiSC®) you will explore your default behavioral nature and how that impacts your leadership effectiveness.
Module 2: 3 - Day Leadership Intensive, In Residence
Days 2, 3 and 4 are designed to take an in-depth look at leadership and, in particular, you as a leader through a series of discussions, exercises (paired, triads and groups) and overnight assignments.
Coaching Module:
Coaching is a structure for supporting leaders to reach new levels of effectiveness. We work with you hands-on as you take responsibility for the limitations of your old frames of reference and create new ones to forward your commitments. Coaching will provide you the support and the challenges you need to help you put into action what you have created in the program and the new future you envision. Between the 4th day and the 5th day of the program participants will be working directly with a coach in small groups once per month.
Module 3: One-Day, Completion Session
Day 5 is designed to be a retrospective look at the one-year investigation of your leadership and a formal launching of you as a leader. We will investigate and determine what is required for you to continue to master leadership and to sustain your leadership transformation over time.
“The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become. ”
We begin with two bold assertions:
• The skills and experience that have brought you to your current position as a successful leader are now limiting your ability to accomplish essential tasks for your organization’s future.
• Most initiatives and transformational efforts attempted within organizations fail because the leaders attempt to transform the organization, rather than the leaders.
Holding a leadership position does not make you a leader. Authority simply provides the opportunity. It is not enough to merely know the qualities of a leader, or recall steps, tips or techniques that you have learned on how to be a leader. Role-playing is not being.
This leadership program is designed to provide you the essential tools and skills you need to achieve breakthrough results in your professional and personal life. We will help you discover new ways to see and approach your organization. And, we will help you move beyond your self-imposed constraints that keep you from moving forward.
We ask the questions: What does it take to be a leader? How do you move beyond your current ways of operating to actually be a powerful leader? And what are the clearest pathways to becoming an extraordinary leader?
“Most of the research on leadership has emphasized the same two items – the peripheral aspects and the content of leadership – and almost none has been aimed at understanding the essential nature of what leadership is.”
In this program, you will see clear distinctions between the content of leadership, the peripheral aspects of leadership and having direct access to being an effective leader.
The content of leadership is the knowledge required to lead effectively in a particular arena, such as a professional, organizational, political or social environment. For example, your professional knowledge might include technical information, critical data, relevant theories, practices specific to your profession, future trends and the current financial climate of your industry. While this specialized knowledge is required for being an effective leader in a given field, you will see in the program that using this knowledge in the wrong way can be limiting and actually interfere with the effective exercise of leadership.
The peripheral aspects of leadership are its tangible characteristics, the visible elements that an observer might see as attributes of leaders, such as individual styles, traits, personalities or how these individual leaders respond in particular situations. While studying and emulating the behaviors of leaders might allow us to feel as though we are progressing toward becoming leaders ourselves with respect to knowledge and appearance, this process never actually provides access to the being of a leader.
In fact, the appropriate peripheral aspects applied in a particular situation with a particular leader might be completely irrelevant or even counterproductive when applied with a different leader in a different situation. You will discover in this program that peripheral aspects at their most optimal levels are actually a result of the being of an effective leader, rather than a product of information or training, and have little or no relevance to any particular leadership situation.
To view leadership first from its peripheral aspects would be to start the process of mastering leadership in reverse order. Studying the peripheral aspects would teach us little that could actually be applied to any particular leadership situation or opportunity.
We assert that this very approach is what is often less to unsatisfactory results in most leadership training programs.
Transformative Learning
Transformative learning occurs in a different dimension than informative learning. Informative learning allows us to increase the sum of what we know, to enhance our available skills and to extend our established cognitive capacities.
Transformative learning, on the other hand, allows us to examine the context of how we know. Transformative learning facilitates awareness of our interpretations and beliefs, and, through that awareness, we are able to accurately analyze our underlying assumptions. Transformative learning helps us uncover our prevailing worldview and frames of reference, (which are almost always invisible to ourselves), and thereby enables us to reconstruct them with newly found clarity and power.
Leadership: The Master Plan is designed to open your thinking and provide you with an entirely new skill set for being an effective leader. You will think as a leader, plan as a leader, problem-solve as a leader and take action as a leader as you progress through this program.
This new leadership skill set can be applied to all dimensions of leadership, personal leadership (taking charge of your own life), team and organizational leadership and family, community and political leadership.
Both informative and transformative learning have value. However, this program, unlike traditional leadership training programs, challenges you to explore the ways in which you identify yourself, the world, and the relationship between the two.
There are no tips, no how-to’s, and no formulas. In fact, learning the program material is not the objective. You will not be “in the stands” observing, but rather on the “playing field” doing. The objective is not to learn program material, but rather to develop you as an effective leader.
In Leadership: The Master Plan, you will discover what leadership is and how to be an effective leader.
Like a well-trained athlete whose body has been transformed for high performance on a physical level, the skill set and the mindset that you will acquire in this program will transform you mentally for high performance leadership.
Leadership: The Master Plan is a collaboration between The Lustig Group and Transpective Business Consulting. Program leaders Andrew Lustig and Bob Elliott have worked as a team for the past decade to facilitate successful organizational and individual transformations for thousands of professionals throughout the United States and abroad.
Bringing their own individual and unique expertise to the program, Andrew and Bob share the same core philosophy and principles about how to most effectively facilitate the transformations needed to gain new perspectives and produce unprecedented results.
Andrew is president of the Lustig Group, a management consulting and executive coaching firm in the Tamp Bay, Florida area and Bob is president of The Transpective Group, a management consulting firm located in the Boston area.
Bob and Andrew are both accomplished senior consultants in the areas of organizational transformation and leadership development.
Their firms have worked with clients in diverse industries on challenging projects that have resulted in increases in engagement, productivity and profitability.